We Have a Long and Successful History
In 2005, Laurie Guzda started the Pike County Film Commission to promote film production in Pike County. Ms. Guzda successfully brought in "Walking to Maryland". "Pizza", "Blue Valentine" and many others. In 2010, after successfully running an unfunded Film Office for 5 years, Ms. Guzda was faced with shutting down the film office. At that time, she approached Troy Bystrom and Dejay Branch, two film professionals that moved to Pike County in 2008, to see if there was an interest in continuing operations. Agreeing to take on the Pike County Film Commission and expand it over the four county Pocono Region, the Pocono Film Commission was created.
Over the next several years, the Pocono Film Commission attracted millions of dollars of film activity to the Pocono Region, held several rural State Film round tables in the region, and worked with local film festivals. The commission also created a 600 SF green screen studio in Honesdale to support film and video production in the region. Industry development continues with several new projects on the horizon and the support of local film friendly communities.
Today, the Pocono Film Commission covers over 10 counties in Northeastern Pennsylvania and is still an unfunded organization. The voiunteers that operate the Northeast Pennsylvania Regional Film Office, work tirelessly to support independent film and upcoming filmmakers. Over the years, the film commission has hosted over 30 interns, worked with over 50 projects, and has been a strong supporter of film production.